What Crooked Roots
Inspired by the settings and themes of The Wicker Man, Over the Garden Wall, The Ritual and many other folk horror tales, comes What Crooked Roots: 15 folk-horror themed roleplay encounters created for D&D Fifth Edition.
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“What Crooked Roots is the kind of creation that doesn’t come along very often…
It’s well researched, refined, and playable from front to back. I often struggle to find a way to blend third party content into my settings, but the way that background information is presented within WCR gives me plentiful opportunities to kick off from. Cassi has put together something special in this release and I’m interested to watch what she pursues next. If this release speaks to the quality of content that we can expect in the future, then I would say the future is a bit brighter for having her as a creator in the space.”

Absolutely love it! ★★★★★
The art is gorgeous & unsettling, and there’s a great summary of the components of folk horror to help you design and run effective encounters. The encounters themselves are delightfully disturbing, with room for flexibility so you can adapt them easily into any campaign (or design a whole campaign around them all).

Mostly focusing on western tropes and anxieties, What Crooked Roots flips some expectations and reinvents others for a fresh but familiar series of scary scenarios. With a haunting range of encounters that vary in length and difficulty, you’re sure to find something that lingers with your party well beyond their travels…
- ➤ Explore cornfields growing something wicked.
- ➤ Meet beekeepers who hide a secret.
- ➤ Unearth forgotten, haunted groves.
- ➤ Crack a black egg or see if it hatches.
- ➤ Hear the whisper of something following in the shadows.
- ➤ Feast on the fruit with human teeth inside instead of seeds.
- ➤ Flee the Groat Man as it hunts you through an abandoned village.
And much more!
The ritual always has room for one more.

What Crooked Roots is a fantastic horror supplement for not only D&D but for so many other games (with minimal tweaking)! ★★★★★
The Bones – Awesome fonts and artwork. Everything is wonderfully well-suited for the topic of this book.
-Jake @ Faded Quill Gaming
The Meat – Fantastic encounters of various types of horror! I really appreciated how, as a GM, I was provided with options to allow for either violent or non-violent outcomes in so many of the encounters – some horror isn’t just about combat and/or bloodshed.
Cassi did a fantastic job with this book and I look forward to seeing what she does in the future.
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